Surya Chalisa is a devotional hymn dedicated to Lord Surya, the Sun God according to Hindu mythology. Chanting the Surya Chalisa with utmost devotion is believed to invoke Lord Surya's blessings, seeking his divine grace, enlightenment, and the manifestation of positive energies. In this article, we explore the significance of Surya Chalisa, the profound verses it encompasses, and the spiritual benefits of reciting this sacred hymn.



Surya Chalisa is a devotional prayer consisting of forty verses that praise the divine attributes, power, and cosmic significance of Lord Surya. It serves as a means of expressing reverence and seeking the blessings of Lord Surya, who is regarded as the source of light, energy, and life. The Chalisa is recited with deep devotion to establish a deep connection with Lord Surya and seek his divine intervention.



Surya Chalisa holds immense significance for devotees seeking spiritual enlightenment, vitality, and the dispelling of darkness in their lives. Lord Surya is revered as the bestower of energy, wisdom, and divine grace. Reciting Surya Chalisa is believed to invoke Lord Surya's divine presence and seek his radiant blessings.



Surya Chalisa comprises forty verses that beautifully describe the glory, celestial form, and cosmic manifestations of Lord Surya. Each verse praises different aspects of Lord Surya's divine attributes, his benevolent presence, and his role as the source of light and life. The recitation of these verses is believed to evoke Lord Surya's divine grace and receive his blessings for spiritual upliftment.






Kanaka Badana Kundala Makara,Mukta Mala Anga

Padmasana Sthita Dhyaie,Shankha Chakra Ke Sanga



Jai Savita Jai Jayati Divakara!Sahasranshu! Saptashva Timirahara

Bhanu! Patanga! Marichi! Bhaskara!Savita Hansa! Sunura Vibhakara

Vivaswana! Aditya! VikartanaMartanda Harirupa Virochana

Ambaramani! Khaga! Ravi KahalateVeda Hiranyagarbha Kaha Gate

Sahasranshu Pradyotana, KahikahiMunigana Hota Prasanna Modalahi

Aruna Sadrisha Sarathi ManoharaHankata Haya Sata Chadi Ratha Para

Mandala Ki Mahima Ati NyariTeja Rupa Keri Balihari

Uchchaihshrava Sadrisha Haya JoteDekhi Purandara Lajjita Hote

Mitra Marichi Bhanu Aruna BhaskaraSavita Surya Arka Khaga Kalikara

Pusha Ravi Aditya Nama LaiHiranyagarbhaya Namah Kahikai

Dwadasa Nama Prema So GavainMastaka Baraha Bara Navavain

Chara Padaratha Jana So PavaiDukha Daridra Agha Punja Nasavai

Namaskara Ko Chamatkara YahaVidhi Harihara Ko Kripasara Yaha

Sevai Bhanu Tumahin Mana LaiAshtasiddhi Navanidhi Tehin Pai

Baraha Nama Uchcharana KarateSahasa Janama Ke Pataka Tarate

Upakhyana Jo Karate TavajanaRipu So Jamalahate Sotehi Chhana

Dhana Suta Juta Parivara Badhatu HaiPrabala Moha Ko Phanda Katatu Hai

Arka Shisha Ko Raksha KarateRavi Lalata Para Nitya Biharate

Surya Netra Para Nitya VirajataKarna Desa Para Dinakara Chhajata

Bhanu Nasika VasakarahunitaBhaskara Karata Sada Mukhako Hita

Ontha Rahai Parjanya HamareRasana Bicha Tikshna Basa Pyare

Kantha Suvarna Reta Ki ShobhaTigma Tejasah Kandhe Lobha

Pusham Bahu Mitra Pithahin ParaTvashta Varuna Rahata Su-Ushnakara

Yugala Hatha Para Raksha KaranaBhanumana Urasarma Su-Udarachana

Basata Nabhi Aditya ManoharaKatimanha, Rahata Mana Mudabhara

Jangha Gopati Savita BasaGupta Divakara Karata Hulasa

Vivaswana Pada Ki RakhavariBahara Basate Nita Tam Hari

Sahasranshu Sarvanga SamharaiRaksha Kavacha Vichitra Vichare

Asa Jojana Apane Mana MahiBhaya Jagabicha Karahun Tehi Nahi

Dadru Kushtha Tehi Kabahu Na VyapaiJojana Yako Mana Manha Japai

Andhakara Jaga Ka Jo HarataNava Prakasha Se Ananda Bharata

Graha Gana Grasi Na Mitavata JahiKoti Bara Main Pranavaun Tahi

Manda Sadrisha Suta Jaga Me JakeDharmaraja Sam Adbhuta Banke

Dhanya-Dhanya Tuma Dinamani DevaKiya Karata Suramuni Nara Seva

Bhakti Bhavayuta Purna Niyam SoDura Hatataso Bhavake Bhrama So

Parama Dhanya So Nara TanadhariHain Prasanna Jehi Para Tama Hari

Aruna Magha Mahan Surya PhalgunaMadhu Vedanga Nama Ravi Udayana

Bhanu Udaya Baisakha GinavaiJyeshtha Indra Ashadha Ravi Gavai

Yama Bhado Ashwin HimaretaKatika Hota Divakara Neta

Agahana Bhinna Vishnu Hain PusahinPurusha Nama Ravi Hain Malamasahin



Bhanu Chalisa Prema Yuta,Gavahin Je Nar Nitya

Sukha Sampatti Lahi Bibidha,Honhi Sada Kritakritya





कनक बदन कुण्डल मकर,मुक्ता माला अङ्ग।

पद्मासन स्थित ध्याइए,शंख चक्र के सङ्ग॥



जय सविता जय जयति दिवाकर!।सहस्रांशु! सप्ताश्व तिमिरहर॥

भानु! पतंग! मरीची! भास्कर!।सविता हंस! सुनूर विभाकर॥

विवस्वान! आदित्य! विकर्तन।मार्तण्ड हरिरूप विरोचन॥

अम्बरमणि! खग! रवि कहलाते।वेद हिरण्यगर्भ कह गाते॥

सहस्रांशु प्रद्योतन, कहिकहि।मुनिगन होत प्रसन्न मोदलहि॥

अरुण सदृश सारथी मनोहर।हांकत हय साता चढ़ि रथ पर॥

मंडल की महिमा अति न्यारी।तेज रूप केरी बलिहारी॥

उच्चैःश्रवा सदृश हय जोते।देखि पुरन्दर लज्जित होते॥

मित्र मरीचि भानु अरुण भास्कर।सविता सूर्य अर्क खग कलिकर॥

पूषा रवि आदित्य नाम लै।हिरण्यगर्भाय नमः कहिकै॥

द्वादस नाम प्रेम सों गावैं।मस्तक बारह बार नवावैं॥

चार पदारथ जन सो पावै।दुःख दारिद्र अघ पुंज नसावै॥

नमस्कार को चमत्कार यह।विधि हरिहर को कृपासार यह॥

सेवै भानु तुमहिं मन लाई।अष्टसिद्धि नवनिधि तेहिं पाई॥

बारह नाम उच्चारन करते।सहस जनम के पातक टरते॥

उपाख्यान जो करते तवजन।रिपु सों जमलहते सोतेहि छन॥

धन सुत जुत परिवार बढ़तु है।प्रबल मोह को फंद कटतु है॥

अर्क शीश को रक्षा करते।रवि ललाट पर नित्य बिहरते॥

सूर्य नेत्र पर नित्य विराजत।कर्ण देस पर दिनकर छाजत॥

भानु नासिका वासकरहुनित।भास्कर करत सदा मुखको हित॥

ओंठ रहैं पर्जन्य हमारे।रसना बीच तीक्ष्ण बस प्यारे॥

कंठ सुवर्ण रेत की शोभा।तिग्म तेजसः कांधे लोभा॥

पूषां बाहू मित्र पीठहिं पर।त्वष्टा वरुण रहत सुउष्णकर॥

युगल हाथ पर रक्षा कारन।भानुमान उरसर्म सुउदरचन॥

बसत नाभि आदित्य मनोहर।कटिमंह, रहत मन मुदभर॥

जंघा गोपति सविता बासा।गुप्त दिवाकर करत हुलासा॥

विवस्वान पद की रखवारी।बाहर बसते नित तम हारी॥

सहस्रांशु सर्वांग सम्हारै।रक्षा कवच विचित्र विचारे॥

अस जोजन अपने मन माहीं।भय जगबीच करहुं तेहि नाहीं

दद्रु कुष्ठ तेहिं कबहु व्यापै।जोजन याको मन मंह जापै॥

अंधकार जग का जो हरता।नव प्रकाश से आनन्द भरता॥

ग्रह गन ग्रसि मिटावत जाही।कोटि बार मैं प्रनवौं ताही॥

मंद सदृश सुत जग में जाके।धर्मराज सम अद्भुत बांके॥

धन्य-धन्य तुम दिनमनि देवा।किया करत सुरमुनि नर सेवा॥

भक्ति भावयुत पूर्ण नियम सों।दूर हटतसो भवके भ्रम सों॥

परम धन्य सों नर तनधारी।हैं प्रसन्न जेहि पर तम हारी॥

अरुण माघ महं सूर्य फाल्गुन।मधु वेदांग नाम रवि उदयन॥

भानु उदय बैसाख गिनावै।ज्येष्ठ इन्द्र आषाढ़ रवि गावै॥

यम भादों आश्विन हिमरेता।कातिक होत दिवाकर नेता॥

अगहन भिन्न विष्णु हैं पूसहिं।पुरुष नाम रवि हैं मलमासहिं॥



भानु चालीसा प्रेम युत,गावहिं जे नर नित्य।

सुख सम्पत्ति लहि बिबिध,होंहिं सदा कृतकृत्य॥






Reciting Surya Chalisa with sincere devotion is believed to bestow several spiritual benefits upon the devotee. Some of the notable benefits include:


Radiant Energy and Vitality: Surya Chalisa is recited to seek Lord Surya's radiant energy and vitality. It is believed that invoking Lord Surya's divine grace enhances physical and mental strength, promotes good health, and fills one's life with positive vibrations.


Removal of Obstacles: Reciting Surya Chalisa is believed to remove obstacles, negativity, and darkness from one's path. Lord Surya's divine presence is believed to dispel ignorance, fear, and bring clarity and enlightenment.


Intellectual Sharpness: By reciting Surya Chalisa, devotees seek Lord Surya's blessings for enhanced intellect, wisdom, and clarity of thought. It is believed that Lord Surya's radiant light illuminates the mind, improves concentration, and fosters intellectual growth.


Divine Guidance: Surya Chalisa seeks Lord Surya's divine guidance and protection. It is believed that his benevolent presence helps devotees navigate through challenges, make righteous decisions, and walk on the path of righteousness.


Inner Transformation: Reciting Surya Chalisa with devotion and understanding is believed to bring about inner transformation. Lord Surya's divine grace is believed to purify the heart, awaken spiritual consciousness, and instill qualities like discipline, humility, and perseverance.



Surya Chalisa is a sacred hymn that celebrates the divine attributes of Lord Surya and seeks his blessings for spiritual enlightenment, vitality, and the manifestation of positive energies. By reciting this Chalisa with deep devotion and understanding, devotees establish a deep connection with Lord Surya and invite his divine grace into their lives.



Q1. Can anyone recite Surya Chalisa?

Yes, anyone can recite Surya Chalisa. It is open to all, irrespective of gender, age, or religious background. Devotees seeking spiritual enlightenment, vitality, and a deeper connection with Lord Surya can recite Surya Chalisa with faith and devotion.


Q2. When is the best time to recite Surya Chalisa?

Surya Chalisa can be recited at any time. However, many devotees prefer to recite it during sunrise or sunset as it symbolizes the presence of Lord Surya. Some also recite it as a part of their daily spiritual practice or during special occasions dedicated to Lord Surya.


Q3. Are there any specific guidelines to follow while reciting Surya Chalisa?

While there are no strict guidelines, it is recommended to recite Surya Chalisa in a clean and peaceful environment. Observing purity of body and mind, along with a deep sense of devotion, enhances the spiritual experience. Some people also light incense, offer water, or meditate on the image of Lord Surya while reciting the Chalisa.


Q4. Can I recite Surya Chalisa for specific purposes or wishes?

Yes, Surya Chalisa can be recited for specific purposes or wishes. Devotees often seek Lord Surya's blessings for spiritual enlightenment, vitality, success, and the dispelling of darkness in their lives. By focusing on their intentions and reciting the Chalisa with utmost devotion, devotees believe that Lord Surya's divine grace can fulfill their heartfelt desires.


Q5. Can I recite Surya Chalisa in any language?

Yes, you can recite Surya Chalisa in any language that you are comfortable with. While the original text is in Hindi, translations in various languages, including English, are available. The focus should be on understanding the meaning and significance of the verses while reciting them with devotion.

Amit Sharma

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