Bhairav Chalisa is a devotional hymn dedicated to Lord Bhairav, a fierce and formidable form of Lord Shiva. Chalisa, meaning forty, signifies the forty verses that comprise this sacred composition. Bhairav Chalisa is recited to seek the blessings of Lord Bhairav, who is believed to be the protector and guardian against negativity and evil forces. In this article, we explore the significance of Bhairav Chalisa, delve into its verses, and understand the spiritual essence it holds.



Bhairav Chalisa holds great significance in the worship and devotion of Lord Bhairav. It serves as a means to express reverence, seek divine protection, and invoke Lord Bhairav's presence in one's life. Each verse of Bhairav Chalisa extols the various attributes and qualities of Lord Bhairav, describing his divine form, his power to annihilate negativity, and his ability to grant protection and blessings. Devotees recite Bhairav Chalisa with utmost devotion and faith to seek the divine grace of Lord Bhairav.



Bhairav Chalisa holds deep significance for devotees who seek the protection and guidance of Lord Bhairav. The recitation of Bhairav Chalisa is believed to bestow numerous spiritual and worldly benefits. It is said to purify the mind, dispel fear and negativity, and instill a sense of courage and inner strength. The verses of Bhairav Chalisa invoke the divine qualities of Lord Bhairav, such as his ferocity, his ability to destroy obstacles, and his role as the guardian of devotees.



Bhairav Chalisa consists of forty verses that glorify Lord Bhairav. Each verse carries deep meaning and highlights different aspects of his divine existence. The verses describe Lord Bhairav as the supreme protector, the dispeller of ignorance, and the embodiment of fearlessness. By reciting these verses with devotion and understanding, devotees establish a profound connection with Lord Bhairav and experience his divine presence in their lives.


Bhairav Chalisa Lyrics in english



Shri Bhairava Sankata Harana,Mangala Karana Kripalu

Karahu Daya Ji Dasa Pe,Nishidina Dinadayalu



Jai Damrudhara Nayana VishalaShyama Varna Vapu Maha Karala

Jai Trishuladhara Jai DamrudharaKashi Kotawala Sankatahara

Jai Girijasuta ParamakripalaSankataharana Harahu Bhramajala

Jayati Batuka Bhairava BhayahariJayati Kala Bhairava Baladhari

Ashtarupa Tumhare Saba GayeinSakala Ek Te Eka Sivaye

Shivaswarupa Shiva Ke AnugamiGanadhisha Tuma Sabke Swami

Jatajuta Para Mukuta SujhawaiBhalachandra Ati Shobha Pawai

Kati Karaghani Ghunghru BajeDarshana Karata Sakala Bhaya Bhaje

Kara Trishula Damru Ati SundaraMorapankha Ko Chanvara Manohara

Khappara Khadga Liye BalawanaRupa Chaturbhuja Natha Bakhana

Vahana Shvana Sada SukharasiTuma Ananta Prabhu Tuma Avinashi

Jai Jai Jai BhairavaBhayo BhanjanaJai Kripalu Bhaktana Manaranjana

Nayana Vishala Lala Ati BhariRaktavarna Tuma Ahahu Purari

Bam Bam Bam Bolata DinaratiShiva Kahan Bhajahu Asura Arati

Ekarupa Tuma Shambhu KahayeDuje Bhairava Rupa Banaye

Sevaka Tumahin Tumahin Prabhu SwamiSaba Jaga Ke Tuma Antaryami

Raktavarna Vapu Ahahi TumharaShyamavarna Kahun Hoi Prachara

Shvetavarna Puni Kaha BakhaniTini Varna Tumhare Gunakhani

Tini Nayana Prabhu Parama SuhavahinSuranara Muni Saba Dhyana Lagawahi

Vyaghra Charmadhara Tuma Jaga SwamiPretanatha Tuma Purna Akami

Chakranatha Nakulesha PrachandaNimisha Digambara Kirati Chanda

Krodhavatsa Bhutesha KalaksharaChakratunda Dashabahu Vyaladhara

Ahi Koti Prabhu Nama TumhareJapata Sada Metata Dukha Bhare

Chaunsatha Yogini Nachahin SangaKrodhawana Tuma Ati Ranaranga

Bhutnatha Tuma Parama PunitaTuma Bhavishya Tuma Ahahu Atita

Vartamana Tumharo Shuchi RupaKalamayi Tuma Parama Anupa

Ailadi Ko Sankata TaryoSada Bhakta Ko Karaja Saryo

Kaliputra Kahavahu NathaTaba Charanana Navahuna Nita Matha

Shri Krodhesha Kripa VistarahuDina Jani Mohi Para Utarahu

Bhavasagara Budhata DinaratiHohu Kripalu Dushta Arati

Sevaka Jani Keripa Prabhu KijeMohi Bhagati Apni Aba Dija

Karahu Sada Bhairava Ki SevaTuma Samana Dujo Ko Deva

Ashwanatha Tuma Parama ManoharaDushtana Kahe Prabhu Ahahu Bhayankara

Tumhara Dasa Jahan Jo HoiTakahe Sankata Pare Na Koi

Harahu Natha Tuma Jana Ki PiraTuma Samana Prabhu Ko Balavira

Saba Aparadha Kshama Kari DijaiDina Jani Apuna Mohina Kijai

Jo Yaha Patha Kare ChalisaTapai Kripa Karahu Jagadisha



Jai Bhairava Jai Bhutapati ,Jai Jai Jai Sukhakanda

Karahu Kripa Nita Dasa Pe,Dehu Sada Ananda




॥ दोहा ॥

श्री भैरव सङ्कट हरन,मंगल करन कृपालु।

करहु दया जि दास पे,निशिदिन दीनदयालु॥


॥ चौपाई ॥

जय डमरूधर नयन विशाला।श्याम वर्ण, वपु महा कराला॥

जय त्रिशूलधर जय डमरूधर।काशी कोतवाल, संकटहर॥

जय गिरिजासुत परमकृपाला।संकटहरण हरहु भ्रमजाला॥

जयति बटुक भैरव भयहारी।जयति काल भैरव बलधारी॥

अष्टरूप तुम्हरे सब गायें।सकल एक ते एक सिवाये॥

शिवस्वरूप शिव के अनुगामी।गणाधीश तुम सबके स्वामी॥

जटाजूट पर मुकुट सुहावै।भालचन्द्र अति शोभा पावै॥

कटि करधनी घुँघरू बाजै।दर्शन करत सकल भय भाजै॥

कर त्रिशूल डमरू अति सुन्दर।मोरपंख को चंवर मनोहर॥

खप्पर खड्ग लिये बलवाना।रूप चतुर्भुज नाथ बखाना॥

वाहन श्वान सदा सुखरासी।तुम अनन्त प्रभु तुम अविनाशी॥

जय जय जय भैरव भय भंजन।जय कृपालु भक्तन मनरंजन॥

नयन विशाल लाल अति भारी।रक्तवर्ण तुम अहहु पुरारी॥

बं बं बं बोलत दिनराती।शिव कहँ भजहु असुर आराती॥

एकरूप तुम शम्भु कहाये।दूजे भैरव रूप बनाये॥

सेवक तुमहिं तुमहिं प्रभु स्वामी।सब जग के तुम अन्तर्यामी॥

रक्तवर्ण वपु अहहि तुम्हारा।श्यामवर्ण कहुं होई प्रचारा॥

श्वेतवर्ण पुनि कहा बखानी।तीनि वर्ण तुम्हरे गुणखानी॥

तीनि नयन प्रभु परम सुहावहिं।सुरनर मुनि सब ध्यान लगावहिं॥

व्याघ्र चर्मधर तुम जग स्वामी।प्रेतनाथ तुम पूर्ण अकामी॥

चक्रनाथ नकुलेश प्रचण्डा।निमिष दिगम्बर कीरति चण्डा॥

क्रोधवत्स भूतेश कालधर।चक्रतुण्ड दशबाहु व्यालधर॥

अहहिं कोटि प्रभु नाम तुम्हारे।जयत सदा मेटत दुःख भारे॥

चौंसठ योगिनी नाचहिं संगा।क्रोधवान तुम अति रणरंगा॥

भूतनाथ तुम परम पुनीता।तुम भविष्य तुम अहहू अतीता॥

वर्तमान तुम्हरो शुचि रूपा।कालजयी तुम परम अनूपा॥

ऐलादी को संकट टार्यो।साद भक्त को कारज सारयो॥

कालीपुत्र कहावहु नाथा।तव चरणन नावहुं नित माथा॥

श्री क्रोधेश कृपा विस्तारहु।दीन जानि मोहि पार उतारहु॥

भवसागर बूढत दिनराती।होहु कृपालु दुष्ट आराती॥

सेवक जानि कृपा प्रभु कीजै।मोहिं भगति अपनी अब दीजै॥

करहुँ सदा भैरव की सेवा।तुम समान दूजो को देवा॥

अश्वनाथ तुम परम मनोहर।दुष्टन कहँ प्रभु अहहु भयंकर॥

तम्हरो दास जहाँ जो होई।ताकहँ संकट परै न कोई॥

हरहु नाथ तुम जन की पीरा।तुम समान प्रभु को बलवीरा॥

सब अपराध क्षमा करि दीजै।दीन जानि आपुन मोहिं कीजै॥

जो यह पाठ करे चालीसा।तापै कृपा करहु जगदीशा॥


॥ दोहा ॥

जय भैरव जय भूतपति,जय जय जय सुखकंद।

करहु कृपा नित दास पे,देहुं सदा आनन्द॥





The recitation of Bhairav Chalisa is believed to bring numerous spiritual benefits to the devotees. Some of the significant benefits include:


Protection and Fearlessness: Bhairav Chalisa invokes the divine protection and blessings of Lord Bhairav. It is believed to create a shield of divine energy that safeguards devotees from negative influences, evil forces, and harm. Reciting Bhairav Chalisa instills a sense of fearlessness and courage in the hearts of devotees.


Removal of Obstacles: Lord Bhairav is considered the remover of obstacles and the destroyer of negativity. Reciting Bhairav Chalisa with devotion is believed to dissolve obstacles and challenges on the spiritual and worldly paths. It helps devotees overcome hurdles and find solutions to their problems.


Spiritual Awakening: The verses of Bhairav Chalisa awaken spiritual consciousness and deepen the devotion towards Lord Bhairav. The hymn guides devotees on the path of self-realization, inner transformation, and spiritual growth. It helps in attaining a state of union with the divine.


Blessings and Grace: Reciting Bhairav Chalisa with devotion and sincerity is said to invoke the blessings and grace of Lord Bhairav. It is believed that Lord Bhairav bestows his devotees with divine blessings, protection, and guidance in their spiritual journey and everyday life.



Bhairav Chalisa is a powerful hymn that connects devotees with the divine energy of Lord Bhairav. Through its verses, devotees seek protection, guidance, and blessings from Lord Bhairav, and experience his divine grace in their lives. Bhairav Chalisa is a sacred chant that instills courage, dispels fear, and empowers devotees to overcome obstacles on their spiritual path. By reciting Bhairav Chalisa with devotion and understanding, devotees can establish a deep bond with Lord Bhairav and invite his divine presence into their lives.



Q1. Can anyone recite Bhairav Chalisa?

Yes, Bhairav Chalisa can be recited by anyone who has faith and devotion towards Lord Bhairav. There are no restrictions based on gender, age, or religious background. Devotees recite Bhairav Chalisa to seek the divine blessings and protection of Lord Bhairav.


Q2. When is the best time to recite Bhairav Chalisa?

While there is no specific time restriction, many devotees prefer to recite Bhairav Chalisa during the sacred period of Pradosh Kaal or on Tuesdays, which are considered highly auspicious for Lord Bhairav. However, devotees can recite Bhairav Chalisa at any time that is convenient and conducive to maintaining a focused and reverent state of mind.


Q3. Are there any specific guidelines to follow while reciting Bhairav Chalisa?

While there are no strict guidelines, it is recommended to recite Bhairav Chalisa in a clean and peaceful environment. Observing purity of body and mind, along with deep concentration, enhances the spiritual experience. Some devotees also light incense, offer flowers or water to Lord Bhairav's idol or image, and maintain a meditative posture while reciting the hymn.


Q4. Can I recite Bhairav Chalisa for specific purposes or wishes?

Yes, Bhairav Chalisa can be recited for specific purposes or wishes. Devotees often seek the blessings of Lord Bhairav for protection, courage, spiritual growth, and the removal of obstacles. By focusing on their intentions and reciting the chalisa with devotion, they believe that Lord Bhairav's divine grace can fulfill their sincere prayers and aspirations.


Q5. Can I recite Bhairav Chalisa in any language?

Yes, you can recite Bhairav Chalisa in any language that you are comfortable with. While the original chalisa is in Hindi or Sanskrit, translations and transliterations in various languages, including English, are available. The key is to understand the meaning and significance of the verses and recite them with deep devotion and reverence.

Amit Sharma

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